Wendy loves action photography, whether it be sporting events or concerts. She also loves cameo shots. Those that capture a fleeting second where time truly does stand still.
Wendy loves editing and finding new ways to make an average photo extraordinary. One thing she has been able to do with her writing skills is to tell each person's story. There can be so many subtle nuances behind one simple photograph.
When it comes to sports, Wendy has a knack for timing and can pull off many shots that other photographers who don't have an athletic background might miss.
Wendy has an extensive background in art, which allows her to do both commercial photography and real estate photography with ease.
Wendy loves capturing moments and being able to create images that send a message. With all of the digital tools she has at her disposal, she takes images further than she ever could in the past.
Wendy also likes old school photography. Raw images that need little to no touch-up work. It's become a lost art in a way. She still uses a film camera from time to time just to experiment.
Wendy loves meeting new people and exploring the world around her. Living life through a viewfinder can be very interesting!
Wendy has an extensive background in the health and medical fields. She has worked as a natural health consultant and as a massage therapist. She understands the intricacies of the field and enjoys meeting other healthcare professionals.
Wendy has written several personal interest stories, as well as taken all of the necessary photographs for those pieces. She has also written celebrity bios and articles on upcoming events that highlight a celebrity or guest speakers' latest accomplishments.
She has worked in the health and fitness industry and am a Certified Herbalist. As a natural health consultant, she has helped many individuals find the right supplements to fit their personal needs.
She has taken pictures of showroom vehicles, show cars, and also race cars in action.
Over the past 30 years, Wendy has worked hand in hand with local environmental groups to find ways to keep and maintain recycling centers, pick up local rivers and woodlands, and find new ways to teach children and adults how to be more energy-efficient.
As a mother and grandmother, Wendy takes great pride in teaching her family the ways she was taught as a child. Whether it be working in the garden, crafting, cooking, or just being with family, she has always found ways to bring everyone together.
He's One of a Kind
Wabash, Indiana. Nothing special ever happens there and many of the things that make the news there are far from uplifting and positive. Then you have Jaqobie Griffith. A very unique name for an amazingly unique young man. The young man likes to stand out. From his bright T-shirts to his dreadlocks, the kid has a mind of his own. He is also a one-man machine when it comes to getting things done. He has his mind set on making this world a better place and he is starting with his hometown of Wabash. The dreadlocks may have gone by the wayside but his desire to move forward and help his community is right on track.
Finding His Footing
Jaqobie is unique in many ways and it isn't just because he's a good kid trying to do good things. As a son of struggling teen parents, the three have traveled this path as a family and they all have learned together. His parents, Tracy and Aaron, are high school sweethearts. I don't actually remember a time when they weren't together. The two of them have always walked their path. Thin or flush, they did it together and learned in the process. These are lessons they have instilled in their son. After watching his parents struggle and succeed, Jaqobie has learned one of the most valuable lessons of all. He had to find the path that suited HIM, and that is exactly what he is doing.
The Shoes Don't Make the Man
Face it. He is still a kid. For the longest time, he wanted the same things all of the other kids his age did. $300 pairs of shoes were high on his wish list. Not wanting to wait for his parents, Jaqobie set about earning the money on his own. It didn't take long and within a few weeks, he was sporting those high-priced shoes. After wearing them for a few days, he didn't feel any different and he realized what was really important. It wasn't so much the shoes after all. It was wanting something and earning it. While he still likes the expensive shoes, he doesn't buy them to fit in. He buys them because he likes them.
A $30 pair of comfortable shoes would have fit him fine and he would have the extra money for something else. He came to the conclusion that struggling to fit in just wasn't worth it. He wanted to be Jaqobie. He wanted to be different and even though he knew the other kids may laugh or make fun, he knew that didn't matter. When it came to those expensive shoes, their parents had paid for them. When it came to his, HE paid for them. He WAS different and he was proud of that. Little did he know, other people were proud of him too. He went on to explain, “ I realized that after trying to do so much to fit in, I wasn't into it. I started embracing my differences and I'm comfortable with myself.”
Wendy has photographed many types of events including concerts, motorcycle rides, family gatherings, business gatherings, auto races/derbies, and all types of athletic events.
Wendy has written newsletters for both veteran organizations as well as motorcycle rights organizations.