When it comes to content marketing success, consistency is key. And you can keep your orders ticking along like clockwork with the recurring orders feature at WriterAccess. Simply set up an order template and topic pitch, then put the automated gears into action. This video shows you how.
Are you planning or producing content on a regular basis? Then you need to meet Recurring Orders.
Recurring orders allows you to have orders placed for you on a weekly or monthly basis so all you have to do is either approve or decline a topic pitch.
To create recurring orders, you first need to have an order template and topic pitch set up. So let's start there.
To create an order template:
1. Go to Streamline Workflow.
2. Click the Asset Library.
3. Click Order Templates.
4. Click Create New Template.
From here, you can fill in all the information that you want into your template. Pay attention to the Add On section here. Here you need to click Topic Pitches. This is a free service where you can ask the writer to pitch a topic for you to approve or to decline.
Click Topic Pitches. And then give the writer some guidance. Give a brief explanation of the type of content that you want for this specific template.
• Do you want three topics to choose from or just one?
• Should it be a broad industry topic or more focused, detailed topic?
Once you're finished with your template, make sure that you name it. And then click Save.
Now you're ready to set your recurring orders:
1. Go to the Place Order section.
2. Click the Recurring Orders tab.
3. Click Create New Recurring Order.
4. Select the template that you'd like to use. In this case, of course, it's the one that we just created.
5. Now set your parameters.
• Do you want this to go out on a weekly or monthly basis?
• How many orders do you want?
• What's the start date of this whole party?
6. Click the Save Recurring Order button and you're good to go.
Writers have 24 hours to pitch a topic upon accepting your project. So be on the lookout for a topic to approve or decline.
To check in on your pending topic pitches:
1. Go to the Manage Workflow section.
2. Click Pending Pitches.
Here you can approve one pitch per order. Once you approve a single pitch, the remaining pitches move to the rejected pitches tab to live in eternal doom—unless you scoop them up for a later order.
Now for some pro tips:
• Make sure you have enough funds for your recurring orders by setting up auto deposits. Lack of funds could otherwise stall your content creation process.
• Set up auto deposits by going to the Account section and then clicking Deposit Funds. Set up an automatic charge by specifying when a balance drops below a certain amount to bring it back up to a certain amount.
• Also remember: the faster you approve a pitch, the faster the writer can get to work on your content. So create an alert that lets you know when the pitch is ready for your review. To do that, go to the alert section under the Streamline Workflow section. Turn on the Topic Pitch button to receive an email or a text.