Images have become an integral element for digital content, and we make it easy for you to add as many as you wish. You get three different image libraries right at your fingertips on WriterAccess, allowing you to search, select, and upload an image in seconds flat. This video shows you how.
Content without images is like the sky without sun. OK, well, that's a bit dramatic, but images are important.
Here's how to find images for your next project:
1. Go to Place Orders.
2. Click Images. You'll have three options for getting images: Storyblocks, Getty Images and Shutterstock. Storyblocks images are free. So let's start there.
3. Once you select Storyblocks, type in the keyword related to your content. And boom, you instantly have a lineup of free images that you can use.
If you can't find what you're looking for, try Getty or Shutterstock libraries. Search the same way. Here you pay a small licensing fee for each image, but then it's yours to use however you want.
To find images that you've used in the past, head to the mages section and then go to My Images. You'll see every image that you've purchased or downloaded at WriterAccess.
Now for some pro tips:
• For best results, compress an image before posting it online. Make it a PNG or a JPEG under 500 kilobytes to speed up load time on your site.
• High-quality images make your blog post more interesting, increase engagement for your social post, and add a touch of humor to your emails.
• You'll notice that you can also choose the orientation and shape of your images, such as horizontal, vertical or square options. Horizontal images work well for Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Square images are where it's at for Instagram, and vertical images are ideal for Facebook or Instagram stories or as an image for your Pinterest board.
• If you want to be extra cool, recycle your blog post images and use them for social media. Repurpose your text and images to get maximum mileage.