WriterAccess Weekly Round-up: Writers Unite!

Welcome back from the weekend!

Some exciting stuff is happening over here at WriterAccess for our hard-working freelancers. Sometimes writers need a chance to share or vent about their latest job assignment, and it’s nice to put a face to a name, so Kristen and I, we Community Managers over here, aren’t just some ghosts writing emails at you. If you are one of these dedicated freelancers for us, please request to join our Facebook group “Freelancers Anonymous by WriterAccess.” You can find a link on our Facebook page. Here’s the group’s mission statement:

We are the hard-working writers of WriterAccess. We are all different star levels. Some of us are students, some of us are mothers. Some of us have 9-to-5s and some of us freelance full-time. We write about veterinarian practices, uses for curtain rods (to hang curtains?!), side effects of pharmaceuticals, the latest play on Broadway, or some tech device others haven’t even heard of yet. Blogs, articles, whitepapers, product descriptions, eBooks—we do it all.

And here is where we talk about it.

Share writing-related links (or just entertaining videos of puppies). Discuss projects we are working on. Gripe about revisions and schedules and deadlines. Ask questions—those are allowed, too.

This group is for us. The Writers of WriterAccess.

We’re currently discussing summer reading, books made to movies (Leonardo in The Great Gatsby!), and grammar gripes. Come join the community!

And now, onto more links:

According to whom you ask, Twitter is either an immeasurable social media giant or a sign that maybe the rapture is still on its way. (More and more abbrevs? Ugh.)  But Mashable shows how these companies value the opportunity Twitter has for branding. Twitter doesn’t have to be a mish-mosh of BRBs and LOLs, it can contain quality content that truly influences the consistency and image of your company. Stick with a style guide—as you should with all of your content—and hire a social media expert adept in writing (a writer for words—who would have thought?) to hop on the value Twitter has.

In keeping with the changing world, if your blog isn’t mobile friendly, you are completely off the mark. How many readers, both in your B2B and B2C marketing world, catch up on their blog reading on public transportation via their phones? Coming across a site that is not formatted for viewing on the device is frustrating. If any reader is like me, I think, “oh I’ll read that when I get to work/home” and then completely forget. You are missing out on a large audience.

When speaking aloud to yourself and risking sounding like a crazy person is a-OK. Please, please help your editors.

What about everyone else? Share your links in the comment section (or, if you’re a writer, on the new group page!) and maybe I’ll feature them in next week’s Round-up!