Top Tips for Mobile Content Marketing

mobile marketing

Mobile traffic is growing exponentially and will likely eclipse desktop and laptop traffic this year. According to Forbes, about 190 exabytes of mobile traffic will be zooming through the air by 2018. That’s the equivalent of 4 trillion four-minute kitten videos. Since your prospects and customers are likely to be among those going mobile, it pays to keep your content relevant to their needs. A few ways to make your content more mobile friendly:

1. Use responsive design.

WordPress and other content management systems offer a number of templates with responsive design. What this means is that the display adjusts to the size of the screen being used. As a result, mobile visitors are much more likely to stick around long enough to conduct the transaction that brought them to your site.

2. Be aware of your mobile visitors’ intent.

When people use search on their mobile phones, they are usually looking for concrete answers to specific questions. Whether they are seeking speech writing services in Toronto or lawn care in Dubuque, Iowa, when they take to their phones, they typically want to get answers that will help in their quests. The right content for mobile readers will, generally, be factual and to the point. Explain how to choose a speech writer, but, don’t dedicate too much screen space to the history of the trade.

3. Break up content for readability.

When writing for a mobile audience, break content into easily skimmed and digested chunks. Bulleted lists, short paragraphs and informative subheadings are key. This way, when someone comes to your site because they need to get information on the fly, you can fulfill that need and, hopefully, close a sale.

4. Experiment with different forms.

Most mobile visitors are not going to settle in to read long blog posts. But, they may be enticed to watch a short video. They may also be interested in downloading a Kindle-compatible ebook to read on their tablets or ereaders later on. Creating these sorts of content calls on different skills sets. If you’ve only ever written blog posts, an ebook may feel intimidating. If you aren’t used to writing videos, the help of speech writing services can be useful. But, by reaching out and finding resources to work in these forms, you can continue to engage your mobile audience.

The digital world is changing quickly. By keeping up with what your customers want and need, you can change and evolve with it and continue to thrive.

Lara S is a freelance writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida. She is adept at writing content in niches that include marketing, health, food service and more. Contact her for white papers, ebooks, blog posts and articles.