Is Instagram Right For You?

selfieSocial media marketing is all about staying on top of the latest trends. It’s not simply about posting your latest addition to the company blog on Facebook. Understanding what people want to see and how they want to see it is a vital part of any social media marketing strategy. And for the first time in years, we’re seeing people move to new social media platforms to share their lives with others.

A Changing Landscape

Facebook is still a major player in social media, but it’s not the dominant force it once was. In fact, Facebook usage among teenagers fell by more than 25 percent between spring 2014 and fall 2014, according to CBS News. Along these same lines, use among adults aged 25-34 isn’t projected to drop between 2015 and 2016, but usage won’t grow, either.

Instagram 101

Where are all of these people going? To Instagram, which is now the preferred social media platform among teenagers. However, the big news is that the 25-34 demographic makes up 32 percent of Instagram’s customer base. This means that Instagram is more than kids taking selfies. It’s a legitimate marketing platform that’s seen by people with buying power.

In terms of its functionality, Instagram is exactly what it sounds like, only it’s so much more. In its most basic form, it’s a collection of pictures posted by its users. But it also allows users to hashtag those pictures, which is significant. Since the only way to search on Instagram is by using hashtags, it’s a great way to gain exposure. Instagram also enables people to post video clips of 15 seconds or less.

Marketing on Instagram

Instagram marketing can take on many different forms. You can take a picture of your finished products, or you can post a video trailer to promote your business. But the real value of marketing on Instagram goes beyond what the average consumer gets to see.

Instagram gives you the opportunity to take people behind the scenes and show them what your company is really about. For instance, you might post pictures of your company’s office or your production facilities. You could even post a time-lapse video of your products being made. It’s these little things that connect you with your customers, making them feel even more strongly about your organization.

Instagram Tips

There are many ways to do Instagram wrong. You don’t want to do it wrong. Here are some tips you can keep in mind as you launch your Instagram account.

  • Look at the Instagram accounts for other businesses in your industry. Take note of what you like and what you don’t like.
  • Create your own hashtag and use it in all of your posts. Follow this hashtag and like the posts of others that use it.
  • Use no more than three hashtags at the bottom of your posts. Any more than that and you come across as unsavvy and desperate for attention.
  • Don’t post too much, and don’t post multiple times in a row. Cluttering up the feeds of your followers is a great way to get unfollowed.


Writer Bio: Bryan B is a freelance writer living in Long Island, NY. Despite complaining about the snow all winter long, he’s already tired of warm weather.