How to Make a Living As a Freelance Travel Writer

Imagine traveling the world, taking in the most coveted and beloved sights this planet has to offer. You’d start a blog sharing your experiences and work as a photographer, writer, and editor all in one.

Oh, and you’d get paid for it, too.

Does this sound like a dream that’s too good to be true? You’d be surprised. Many freelance writers who have been bitten by the travel bug have turned their passion into a career.

If you’re interested in freelance travel writing, here are some steps to lead you in making your nomadic dreams come true:

Pitch, Pitch, Pitch

It’s no secret that traveling is expensive. While maybe someday your clients will pay for you to visit an exotic country, you’re not there yet.

For now, you have to rely on the income you make on writing assignments to fund your trip.

The best way to do that is pitch like there’s no tomorrow. If you already have some travel writing experience under your belt, you’re in good shape. Take articles you’ve written and pitch them to travel magazines, websites, and other publications.

Find blogs devoted to travel and arrange to write a guest post. This is great exposure and sometimes makes for a hefty paycheck.

Eventually, you’ll start racking up assignments. You can then plan your next trip using the money made from your writing.

Create a Jaw-Dropping Portfolio

Along with every pitch, you need a portfolio that will knock a client’s socks off. If you don’t already have a website, now’s the time to make one.

If money is an issue (since you’re saving for your next trip), there are plenty of free website builders out there that yield professional-looking sites.

Include all travel-related material you have, from videos to pictures and blog posts. Make sure your website has a contact us page so prospective clients can get in touch.

Discover Your Niche

Okay, so you’re an aspiring travel writer. So are millions of other people.

What makes you special? It could be the angle you approach your writing from, like a college student traveling the world on a budget.

It could be the topic you write about, like seeking out the best pizza on your global adventures. Whatever your niche is, own it. The more unique your niche, the more you’ll stand out.

Never Stop Networking

When it comes to packing, you bring the essentials like your laptop, smartphone, sunblock, and a good pair of shoes.

Make sure you have room for a stack of business cards, too. Traveling the world means meeting lots of fascinating people. You never know who that person knows.

That fish salesman at the market could introduce you to your next client, as could the hotel concierge. Pass out a few business cards and see where it gets you.


Working as a travel writer is a glamorous job, but it takes a lot of time and effort before you start earning all-expenses paid trips around the world.

By networking, pitching, and defining your niche, you too can become a successful travel writer.

Nicole M is a successful freelance writer who graduated (cum laude) with a degree in Communications.

See how WriterAccess can help you get started in a freelance writing career and join our private talent forum to network and get tips from seasoned veterans like Nicole.
