Everything Old Is New Again

new againIt’s still true: content is king. But, the marketing plan that keeps your company on the throne relies heavily on distribution and getting your content dispersed to a number of platforms and read by different audiences. The wide range of platforms available can be overwhelming; how can you create enough to keep up a steady supply for everyone? The answer lies in creatively reusing content in ways that keeps it fresh and brings it to fresh groups of prospects. A few ways to make that happen:

1. Look to an old blog post for a SlideShare presentation.

The slideshow presentation platform SlideShare gets 159 million views every month. A large portion of the users of the site are in the B2B sphere, so this is a great place to reach them. Have some pithy quotes and good figures that you assembled for an old blog post? These can easily be repurposed into an effective visual presentation.

2. Expand an infographic into a blog post.

Infographics are great for shares and engagements. This sort of visual content is especially amenable to those who want information quickly. But, a good infographic can also arouse curiosity. Give surfers more depth by writing a blog post or article based on your infographic to bring them back and get them further engaged.

3. Bundle a blog series into an ebook.

Click on your tags to look at what you’ve written about topics relevant to your industry. In many cases, you will find that you’ve created a surprisingly large body of work. With some editing to create smooth chapters, you can easily repurpose those old blog posts into a long form item like a white paper or an ebook, which can be distributed through a standalong landing page. This sort of gated content can give you a lot of information about your audience and expose new possible leads.

4. Do best-of and update blog posts.

Sometimes the best new distribution channel is the one you are already on. Periodically republish relevant blog posts, adding new and updated information as needed. You can also bundle up old blog posts into top ten or best-of posts. This lets you get new eyes on your content.

5. Make a slide show into a podcast.

The still images of a slide show can be made into useful video. Simply create a talk to go over the slides and record using inexpensive software. Video is a boon to mobile marketers and using the content you already have gives you a leg up into this channel.

Making a marketing plan and getting content out there can seem like a massive undertaking. But, by getting all the benefits out of each piece of content you create, you can get seen in more channels and reach a larger potential audience.

Writer Bio: Lara S is a freelance writer available for projects at WriterAccess.