Content Writing Block – Common Causes and Solutions

Running a website is not easy work. While many may think that it is just about posting your services and contact information, but that’s not necessarily enough to get a click. With prospects using the internet to do FBI research on companies before going into business with them, it’s crucial to have a website that lets people know why YOUR goods or services are the best solution to their needs. Blogs have gone from people airing their dirty laundry on the internet to being a marketing tool that companies use to create a sense of community, a feeling of engagement with prospects, along with articles, reviews and videos. But, how do you come up with ideas for your website?

Content Creativity 


The OG way to produce content is to create it yourself. If you have a mind that comes up with ideas on its own very regularly, this is the time to shine. As a professional in your field, it is likely that things will occur on the job that will provide no shortage of fodder. Mistakes you’ve seen people make who try something DIY are a great source. How often do you see headlines that are along the lines of “If you’re doing ABC, be sure to avoid these common mistakes!”?

Keep a notepad handy and write down everything that makes you roll your eyes. Things people say, excuses they come up with, attempts to band-aid a problem that showed that they didn’t understand the problem…keep track of these things (don’t act like you don’t have a rant for many of subjects ready just from this concept); they could each be a subject.

Solicit Ideas

Many websites will flat-out ask the audience to suggest topics. Why not? Nobody knows your customer’s desires like your customers, so encourage their participation. Having questions answered only enhances that sense of engagement mentioned earlier, along with helps provide you with an awareness of community needs.

If you notice that customers are frequently asking the same questions, the FAQ list could become a handy list of topic titles.

Create a Series

Some ideas are too big for a single blurb. If you can create a large concept to cover, the breakdown could turn into a series that covers weekly posts for a month. For example, an attorney who handles domestic cases could come up with “Separation September” as a concept to break down things to do if considering divorce, one week, followed by what to do if you decide to go forward, and anything related to subsequent decisions for the next weeks.

Peruse the Competition

Have you ever heard someone propose a solution to a problem and know that your had a better solution? You can do that, here. See what your competitors are posting about, and if you happen to have a more informed take on the subject, write on that. Even if it isn’t directly relevant, a “sponsored” link that is in your social media might prompt an idea for something related in your industry. A real estate agent may see the Separation September idea and come up with blogs on selling marital property or finding suitable living while going through divorce.

It isn’t stealing an idea if you have to be the one making sure that people are getting the correct information on the subject, right?

Creative Block

There is nothing wrong with staring at a blank screen and not being able to come up with an idea. Not all who excel at their services are great marketing content generators, which should never be a roadblock in being successful at providing your services. Most of the block comes from the pressure of feeling the need to create something great and 100% original. Overcoming the block is often a matter of focusing on progress over perfection. WriterAccess has covered overcoming creation block with ideas including being social, reading, getting active, and other ideas that get the creative juices flowing.


Another solution to your content generation needs is to hire us! WriterAccess may have the perfect plan to help your business with producing quality content for your website. Contact us to see if our risk-free offer may be able to remove the stress of content writing from you.


Graduating Magna Cum Laude with an AS in Paralegal Studies, Neth W. has drafted personal profiles and resumes, analysis reports, self-help and comedy essays, and a variety of legal documents including, but not limited to, domestic and class-action complaints, research reports, memoranda, scripts for depositions and interrogatories, Municipal Bonds, and multi-million dollar license agreements for the city of Nashville, TN. Neth can write as informal as first-person humorist tales, to as formal as APA format.