Can You Repeat That? A Guide to Successfully Repurposing Content


When you develop an outstanding piece of content, you want to shout it from the rooftops! It’s exciting to publish a case study that presents an excellent argument for your product or to discover that your fledgling blog post has page visitors chatting away. Sometimes, the only potential drawback of having such a spectacular piece of content is the realization that, once you have used your idea, it’s over.

Or is it?

When done tastefully and correctly, it is possible to repurpose content and present it to customers in an entirely new way. By repurposing content, you can help people understand and absorb information in an original way, while also promoting yourself and your ideas.

How to Repurpose Your Content

When repurposing content, many people find it easier to work from bigger content sources to smaller ones. For example, get started with that key industry presentation you did last week before the prospective client or partner. Use the presentation to develop a subject for a white paper that can be published on your site. You can also use the content to come up with at least 2 to 3 blog posts and several social media postings. You can even create a separate video based off the content in the presentation and post a video that customers can watch from your website. Similarly, you can start with a successful e-book and find blog posts, social posts, and video potential.

Other companies might find it easy to work in the opposite direction. Perhaps they have written several blog posts that have a common theme. These can be turned into a single e-book or be used to start developing a presentation. Book writers for hire can be valuable assets when taking several pieces of content and turning it into a single e-book.

Regardless of the direction the company chooses, marketers should work on further developing their themes and topics in a new way. It should give customers something interesting and valuable, regardless of whether or not they already read the earlier uses of the content.

Being Successful When Repurposing Your Content

Repurposing your content helps you stretch your ideas further and get the maximum return from a single topic. To make sure that customers pay attention, however, it is important to determine which types of content your customers will respond to. That information will be contained in your marketing and website statistics.

Which presentations had the highest success rates for bringing in new customers? Which e-books had the most downloads and the highest conversion rates? This information offers insight into what potential customers best respond to, which will offer hints about which content can be successfully repurposed.

Repurposing content can be beneficial for both the company and the customer. The customer receives the chance to explore a particular topic on a different platform and the company can produce high value without having to develop new ideas. Look for different ways to explore the information while continuing to educate your visitors. Keep these ideas in mind and you will be successful in repurposing your ideas.

Jessica B spends her days writing content for her customers and laughing with her children. She loves learning about the latest in marketing and how it intersects with her background in psychology.