If there was a magic formula for B2B content marketing, then every business trying to market its products and services to other businesses would be successful.
(And no one would be reading this blog post.)
But here we are!
Without any magic formula, it’s up to B2B businesses to follow best practices, learn from great examples, and try some tactics of their own to see what works best with their audience.
Below, I’ve put together a guide to planning your B2B content marketing strategy, including the elements of all great B2B copywriting, tips for creating a content strategy, examples of effective B2B content marketing, and a guide to measuring success.
Let’s dive in…
Elements of Great B2B Copywriting
Every B2B business is different with unique audiences and content needs.
On top of that, B2B copywriting is always evolving to meet the growing and changing demands of the modern business professional.
What this means is that today’s B2B content marketing is different from that of five years ago, and continues to evolve at a rapid pace. B2B marketers now need to take into consideration the extended B2B sales cycle high expectations of business buyers.
B2B business owners, managers, and the marketing professionals who want to help them sell their products and services can no longer rely on the “tried and true” methods of business communication. They need to create unique, innovative and authoritative content that will enhance the online search process, breathe life into their once-static website presence, and capitalize on the communication juggernaut of social media.
Effective B2B copywriting is the secret that serves to drive an increase in traffic and sales.
It is also important to realize that B2B copywriting requires a slightly different skillset and experience level than B2C copywriting. While the end target for communications in both cases is certainly a human, they are humans with different needs and motivations.
The B2C audience is purchasing items for their own use or for their family. These purchases may be more emotional and spur-of-the-moment. The decision-making process is limited to one or two people and does not have to be justified outside the home environment.
On the other hand, B2B businesses speak to a different audience.
The business-to-business client is often not just one person, but many people, departments, and levels. The buying decision may be extended over several months, requiring buy-in from several key purchasing influencers. While there is still a certain level of emotion involved in the buying process, business people are far more likely to require facts and justifications to support the final buying decision.
Who is the Target Audience for B2B Copywriting?
What are the differences between B2B copywriting and great B2B copywriting?
The first, as we hinted above, is that it speaks effectively to its intended target audience. In selling paint, for example, the B2C side of the strategy is to sell to the person doing the painting. He or she wants the right paint for the job, the right color, and a good value for the money.
While the B2B target audience for a paint company would be the paint store that sells the product. Their motivations are different. They want paint that appeals to their customers, but they also want to buy it from a reputable and reliable company that can help solve their problems. Their underlying motivation is that their store must be able to thrive and grow based on an ability to please the end user.
Another key to success is to fully understand the motivation of the decision-makers. In the end, the B2B copywriter is essentially writing to an audience of one.
It makes no difference whether the copywriter is creating marketing content for a web page or white paper, LinkedIn or a trade publication. The target audience is still just one specific person at one unique point in time. That person may eventually share the knowledge gained with others in the organization, but it must first appeal to him or her before the next step will occur.
One of the marketing tools that can help the B2B writer create targeted content is a buyer or user persona. This takes market research about the target audience and condenses it into helpful personas, or fictionalized representations of the target audience members.
A persona can help the copywriter understand the buyer’s goals and motivations. It reveals the problems the buyer is experiencing and gives the writer more insight into what goes into the customer’s buying decision.
Most of all, the persona unveils how a particular product or service can help solve the buyer’s problems. Buyer personas like “Eddie Engineer” and “Designer Debbie” or “CEO Cal” make it easier to create great B2B lead generation content that appeals to that person.
What are the Characteristics of Effective B2B Copywriting?
Given that the writer understands the needs of the target audience, the basic characteristics of B2B copywriting include:
- Strong Value Proposition: The content has to convey that your product or service can fulfill their needs and provide a benefit to their business. It must have enough value for the buyer to take the risk of making a purchase or recommending a purchase to the ultimate decision-maker.
- Show Industry Knowledge: B2B companies must make it apparent in their content that they understand the needs of the industry they are targeting. A widget may have one application for an airplane manufacturer and another for Henry’s Hardware. Content has to be spot-on for each.
- Tell a Story: Remember that B2B clients are still human beings who love to hear a good story. Reel them in with emotions, and close the deal with facts.
- Professional Yet Human: This can be the tricky part. While B2B content may still have to cover some pretty boring material, the fact remains that the writer is still talking to a person. You have to be able to convey the important features and benefits, yet still do it in a way that is interesting and informative. B2B writing does not have to be yawn-inducing!
- Jargon without Jargonese: While you might understand what a “100 jillion gigawatt conductor with super-sonic capacitors” can do, that doesn’t mean your target audience will. From small businesses to major corporations, buyers really just want to know what’s in it for them. Does the gigawatt conductor make their product work faster? Can it save time or money? Does it solve a problem? Speak to what is important to them, and your content will be right on target.
- Call-to-Action: Content must always ask the recipient to do something. In some cases, it is merely to think about what has been presented. But in most cases, you want the audience to take an action – make a phone call, set up an in-person appointment, visit your targeted landing pages, or request a white paper. Prospects are constantly being moved through the sales funnel, whether they realize it or not, and the call-to-action is the way to keep that journey going.
What Makes Great Copywriting for B2B Brands?
All writing projects should come from a brand voice that relates to the reader and speaks to the needs of your end consumers in language that they can understand. Don’t just tell them how great your company is; tell them why your company being so great is good for their business.
Perhaps the best B2B copywriting tip is that it isn’t great copywriting unless it sells a product or service, and it won’t sell if the writer doesn’t fully understand what the buyer needs.
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10 Tips for Creating a B2B Content Strategy
Only 42% of businesses think their B2B content marketing strategy is effective.
Are you one of them?
Try these quick tips to create a content strategy that helps you get more out of your content marketing efforts.
1. Sell a Story, Not a Product
When’s the last time you made a significant business purchase on a whim?
Waiting. Waiting. Refilling my coffee cup. Taking a sip. Waiting.
You can’t think of one, can you?
You spend money to make money, plain and simple. That’s what we do in business. If you’re buying anything that will cost any significant amount, you’re going to sit on it, research it, consider the pros and cons, and think about that almighty ROI.
Cutting costs, increasing productivity, improving morale, enhancing customer experience, increasing revenues — those are all phenomenal reasons I should buy something from you.
So just like a great writer, you need to show (not tell) the tangible ways that what you offer helps your customers meet these kinds of business goals. Storytelling takes many shapes in B2B content marketing strategy.
Your brand story builds trust and shows that you’ve “been there” and get your customer’s needs. Telling your customer’s stories with their permission demonstrates that real people are getting business results. And there’s more than one way to tell these stories.
Are you using case studies and fictional stories to…?
- Connect
- Entertain while conveying a message
- Educate
- Solve problems
- Build trust
- Demonstrate value
- Inspire (yes, B2B buyers are driven by emotion too!)
This is where B2B content marketing strategy can shine.
And telling a story doesn’t mean I have to leave out the details. Let’s say I buy your services, and you increased my profits by 15%. Yes, let’s share that!
Storytelling is the frame around those details. It gives them context. It makes it about me, your customer. It turns what might sound like bragging into a show of confidence in customer results instead.
2. Narrow Your Audience
When you look at your B2B product’s audience at a distance, it’s easy for all of those faces–and credit card numbers–to run together.
However, each person in that audience is an individual with goals, pain points, and a certain way they use social media. Content connects with individuals, not a blurry-faced crowd of people who may one day need what you sell.
But here’s the thing. As a business, you can’t be everything to everyone. While personalization has its place, it’s not always scaleable, especially in the early stages of the B2B buyer’s journey.
So what can you do? Begin looking for the similarities in your customers: age, job role, interests, challenges. You can collect a lot of information through Google Analytics, but also gather sales data, surveys, and other analytics to narrow your audience so that content speaks more directly to them.
When you narrow your audience, create one or more buyer personas. Think like the best salesperson you ever met. Look that persona in the eyes– figuratively. Connect with their pain points. Speak to them as a person instead of a non-descript crowd.
Quickly and meaningfully connect with ideal customers. Ideal customers don’t just buy more. They can help you turn a business into a 5-star review generating machine because you’re attracting people who get the most benefit from buying from you.
3. Spy on Your Competitor
Content marketing strategy doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Truly great B2B content marketers understand the competitive landscape.
They review:
- What’s already out there
- What’s resonating with their target
- Where they can do it better
There are a ton of great tools like BuzzSumo, AhRefs, SpyFu, and even a simple Google search that help B2B marketers understand what they’re up against. Spying regularly can also keep the content ideas flowing.
Creativity likewise does not exist in a vacuum. It arises when we connect ideas and create something new.
4. Create Valuable Content
Put yourself in the shoes of your B2B customer. They’re likely viewing your content while on the job. They may only have a few minutes. And they need to know that consuming your content will be worth their time. Sooo….
Think actionable. When they walk away, they should be able to do something new and see real results.
Think novel. The content provides information and insights that aren’t everywhere else.
Think digestible. It’s not always possible to create something entirely new every time. You’ll get creator’s fatigue. But you can still gather and present information in a more organized and digestible way.
Think more website traffic and lead generation. Yes, that’s what I like to see!
5. Be Clear on Your Conversion Strategy
91% of B2B businesses said they use content marketing to reach their customers. But what you do after you reach them matters.
Sales results always come down to the strength of your funnel. Whether you’re bringing people in with TV ads, social media content, or other content promotion, you need a clear pathway to turn them into a customer. And you need to be able to measure those results, so you understand what’s working.
Content marketing may seem laissez-faire, at times. But a decent content marketing strategy always has a sales funnel, usually an inbound marketing one these days. As a content strategist, you know how to move a customer from casual passer-by to consideration to customer.
Here’s an example of a clearly defined conversion pathway.
- Twitter follower clicks a clickable social headline about your latest blog post. (Readers at this stage include a large pool of people– a mix of existing customers, fans, ideal customers, and casual followers.)
- A blog post becomes your landing page. It provides actionable information and includes a CTA to check out a more in-depth video. (Your ideal customers will click.)
- The visitor watches a video and provides contact information to get an exclusive offer. (Ideal customers who are in the market to buy will move down the funnel.)
- The subscriber receives a mix of offers and more information in their email inbox. (Your audience here is ideal customers in the market who are looking for the right time and considering options.)
- Subscriber clicks an offer and buys. (This person who clicks is an ideal customer in the market who is ready to buy from you now.)
See how each step is measurable? In B2B content marketing strategy, we define success by how far people get into the funnel. And because you can see what percentage of people convert at each step, you can continually improve the pipeline to increase the rate of people who make it to level five.
6. Invest in Multiple Channels
Indeed, your B2B audience can likely be all found in one place. (Linkedin, stop grinning over there!)
But there is value in expanding your presence. And these days, automation tools like HootSuite make it easier to manage your brand across several marketing channels. Depending on your content marketing budget and plan, consider branching out across two to five channels.
And don’t forget about guest posting as another way to get your brand out there. Entrepreneur, Forbes, American Trucker, The Manufacturer — regardless of your industry and who your target audience is, you’ll find opportunities to reach them through industry websites. These also help establish you as a thought leader because others in the industry also respect your brand.
7. Use a Variety of Content Formats
What types of content will you use to meet marketing goals?
Each type of content format has its strengths and weaknesses. And you need to consider how each can serve your business as part of your content marketing strategy.
Short blog posts, social media headlines, curated images, as well as collecting user-generated content and curated posts–those are fast and relatively affordable. So it’s easy to produce them regularly.
High-quality videos, white papers, case studies, infographics, social media contests, long-form blogging–these take a little more time and effort. But they can improve conversion rates.
Using a mix of content types can help you increase brand awareness, interest, and loyalty.
8. Get the Most Out of Successful Content
In addition to using a variety of content formats, convert a successful piece of content in other forms.
For example, if a shorter blog victoriously shattered all records, you can take that blog and expand on its ideas to create a long-form blog post. Blog posts can also become video content, social media posts, or more related blog posts. Infographics can become blog content. And so on.
By doing this, you’re getting more out of a topic that has proven itself to maximize your content marketing ROI.
9. Know Which Searches Are Important For Your Website
Search engine optimization (SEO) has changed a lot, even over the past four to five years. Keyword stuffing is no longer the way to reach top spots. But keyword research is still essential.
B2B companies need to understand what search queries they (and their competitors) appear in and which ones are most important for their buyers. Start by looking at what you’re already ranking for using Google Search Console or an SEO tool.
Then, explore queries to decide which are most important to your audience. When considering different SEO keywords and phrases to go after, think about your customer intent. Someone who is searching for something general about their problem will use different queries than someone who is ready to buy.
After you’ve made a list of keywords and phrases you’d like to go after, start building your content calendar around these queries. Develop topics that appeal to your audience and provide value. You need to include a range of topics for each buyer persona but also align these topics with each stage in the buyer’s journey.
10. Have a Plan to Produce Regular Content
Often the person who feels most qualified to write content for a business is also the person who is busiest with other things. As time passes, creating content hits the backburner, which negatively impacts your B2B marketing results.
Content creation experts do exist who can competently research your industry to create and publish regular, high-quality content that helps you meet business goals. So it’s vital to evaluate your outsourcing options to execute your content marketing plan consistently.
WriterAccess has thousands of professional writers who help businesses just like yours create content for their business customers. Explore the top industry writers across the United States to find someone that can help you create consistent content that converts.
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10 Examples of Killer B2B Content
We’ve been looking at the B2B content marketing strategy and what sets it apart from B2C content marketing. You understand the elements of B2B copywriting and how to create a strategy that works for your company.
Now, let’s talk about what really makes good B2B content.
The Content Marketing Institute found 92% of the most successful B2B content marketers in 2019 were backed by an organization that values creativity. Those leading the industry with their content impact are given the reigns to think outside the box when appealing to their customers.
This doesn’t always mean wild abandon and breaking norms, but it does mean creating content to fit the current needs of their target audience with insightful industry vision and thought leadership. It means understanding what their clients and customers need for their own businesses, enabling them to succeed instead of focusing on self-promotion.
And since seeing is believing, let’s look at some good B2B content marketing examples from companies doing things right in 2020.
It would be pretty funny to write an article about B2B marketing in 2020 and ignore Zoom. This company has rocketed to the top in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic. Companies (and schools!) suddenly found themselves in an unprecedented time where they literally couldn’t let employees come in under state mandates and guidelines. Zoom wasted no time to rise to the occasion. Within just a few short weeks, people were jumping on Zoom for classroom meetings, brainstorming sessions, corporate meetings, and more.
For individuals, the platform is free. But for small business to enterprise, the plans are reasonable and billed monthly. Zoom was quick to jump on national TV ads and went from being virtually unknown to used by nearly every business working remotely across the U.S.
In 2017, CEO Eric Yuan said, “Our philosophy is we really focus on making our existing customers happy. We do not aggressively pursue the new prospect.” They were not focused on growing fast early on, but on delighting and wowing their customers. And it shows.
If you head over to their site, you will find pages for just about any product or service need their customers may have. They clearly define pricing and don’t make you dig hard to figure out what is included at each price point. It could be argued that their content marketing isn’t responsible for their growth (and it was circumstantial due to COVID), but their sustainable model and simple inbound content marketing approach supported that growth.
When they were needed, Zoom was able to step up and fill the role of remote video conferencing like no one else.
Perhaps the all-time inbound champs, HubSpot has always led the way with their content creation and marketing. From their HubSpot Academy to their research and marketing blog, HubSpot offers great resources for the companies they serve. Their guides, templates, and e-books offer free value to their audience. If you want to look at long-form content (like white papers, reports, and e-books) or join the HubSpot Academy, a quick form providing your email is required. This helps them effectively gain a large audience that was attracted to their content marketing, which includes some of the best content in the industry.
HubSpot not only provides excellent and in-depth content, but they also have an incredibly branded approach that provides a cohesive experience across all of their platforms and content types. From illustrations to images and even videos, each type of content provides consistency, which leads to unquestionable brand recognition.
Not only is the Mailchimp site easy to use and user-friendly, but it is also well-written and trendy. They approach the visitor as if they are simply holding a conversation via text. The spacing and colloquial language feels comfortable and easy.
But, Mailchimp also uses Instagram in a way few brands do—like a true avant-garde marketer. They are on another level with their insightful collection of images on a beautifully curated and visually-grabbing feed. You might think their captions would be aloof or forced, but they just aren’t.
Like, check out this post with over 50k views:
As a social media marketing platform, you would expect Hootsuite to do a good job with their own content, and they do not disappoint. The site is well designed and straightforward. But their blogging is relevant and their Twitter feed is full of helpful resources.
Hootsuite’s tone is easy to understand, but authoritative and professional. Their content appeals to their target audience members as both human beings and decision-makers, sharing information on social media trends and other topics that are important to B2B marketing.
Shutterstock is one of the go-to resources for companies that need professional images for their content. What you might not expect, however, is that this visual platform also has a blog dedicated to the topics their customers are likely to find valuable. Like this blog post on The Ergonomics of a Successful Mobile App Design:
Aside from the fantastic images and illustrations included with each post, many of the articles are not at all self-serving and don’t even deal with the Shutterstock product (stock images). Topics cover everything from social issues to design and e-commerce site pictures. By providing high-quality content that is valuable to their audience rather than self-serving, the company is able to connect with buyers on another level.
Offering other companies financial support and accounting software, Sage nails content marketing with a blog dedicated to just about everything their clients might want a technical answer for. With a dedication to publishing multiple posts each week, the Sage blog stays creative with covering topics on tech safety, targeting ideal leads, wholesale analytics, COVID topics, company agility, and so much more. Like Shutterstock, Sage has focused on drawing in its target leads with content that appeals to them and not content that specifically sells a service they offer.
Many B2B companies use Twitter to connect with their audiences, but Slack is especially good at incorporating posts and video content that are right for their audience.
Their posts are well formulated to easily work on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook, so you will see mirror posts across their platforms. Most of their posts point readers back to their own website and content. Slack helps businesses connect with remote options, IT support, marketing, and more. They even have fun resources, like an emoji pack to help with your remote work balance.
Zendesk is a down-to-earth software company that feels helpful and on top of things. They offer support and sales products to help companies meet their customers’ needs. For a B2B marketing approach, they are very personable and relaxed. They market their services to a wide variety of companies and industries—from healthcare to government and SMBs.
Zendesk has a wide variety of content on its site, including supportive resources for companies during uncertain times. They offer a complimentary bundle to support remote teams, blog articles on research insights on managing through pandemics, and more. Their content strategy feels supportive and laid-back, which is a nice change of pace and fits their name well.
Small Biz Trends
It might not be much of a surprise that the Small Biz Trends site has great content marketing strategies. The articles are easy to read but timely and in-depth. The Small Biz Trends website certainly has a stock-image-heavy feel, but they produce quality content frequently. Typically they post content multiple times a day, covering a wide range of topics that are valuable to small businesses, including insurance, employee stress, customer support, loan information, product reviews, and more.
Their aim is similar to Business News Daily, but they have a more streamlined website design that is visually appealing and professional. They’ve been doing this since 2003 and have won awards for their online publication dedicated to entrepreneurs and SMBs.
Amazon Business
There might not be more of a marketing-guru company than Amazon. They were one of the first companies to really nail down intelligent design that adapted to individual user activity. They have always been a step ahead of their competition, creating the gigantic online retail company that surpassed Walmart in 2015. While Amazon has earned a bad reputation for taking advantage of people and skipping taxes, that hasn’t stopped their growth.
But their services aren’t just limited to the consumer. A large part of what they do is B2B and their content marketing is undeniably on point. They might not be great to work with, but they know how to attract the people they are targeting.
Amazon Business offers impressive case studies of their successful clients with rave reviews. Their blog covers topics on procurement, purchasing, and other small business topics. As a consumer, you might already be aware of how good their ad game is—showing you PPC ads that highlight products you’ve been eyeing. Their Amazon Business approach to B2B content marketing is much the same. And, it works.
How to Measure B2B Content Marketing Success
Now that you know how to execute a B2B content marketing strategy, it’s time to talk about how you can determine if your content marketing efforts are really working.
Proper data analysis will immediately tell you what’s working about your strategy. If you knocked it out of the park the first time, you’ll know to double down on those aspects that worked best. More importantly, if you missed the mark — and you will miss the mark sometimes — your metrics will let you know right away, allowing you to quickly make changes.
Let’s take a look at how you can measure B2B content by identifying the right metrics you should be focused on, moving from the top of the funnel to the bottom.
Social Media Metrics
It’s true — a like on social media will put exactly zero dollars in your pocket. But social media metrics such as likes and shares provide immediate feedback, which is exactly what you want when creating and publishing new content. If your core audience responds favorably to your posts, it’s a great sign that your content is resonating with them.
An even greater sign is when people share your content. In a sense, people that share your content are vouching for you. They’re presenting you to their followers as a leader and an authority, and you can’t buy that sort of rub. What’s more, each share expands your audience, exposing your brand to a new set of potential customers.
However, not all social media engagement is created equal. A like from your aunt on Facebook is nice, but it’s not going to boost your bottom line.
For B2B content marketers, LinkedIn is the place to be when it comes to social media channels. While there may be B2B buyers on Facebook, it is on LinkedIn where B2B buyers are looking for new opportunities to find tools and brands that will help them grow their business. If you’re amassing a following on LinkedIn, that gives you access to a whole new set of B2B sales contacts that may prove useful in the weeks and months to come.
Landing Page Activity
Social media is great in many ways, but to drive sales, you need your audience to really be moved. And if that social media engagement leads to increased action on your landing pages, it’s irrefutable evidence that your strategies are working.
Your landing pages don’t just handle social media clicks, of course. Marketing tools such as banner ads, paid search, and even offline marketing techniques like direct mail funnel consumers towards your landing pages. And if people are finding these pages and taking the desired action — whether it be signing up for an email list or requesting a free trial of your company’s software — you’re definitely moving in the right direction.
Landing page activity is one of the best indicators of a successful content marketing campaign for B2B organizations, and it’s a crucial aspect of your B2B content measurement. When a prospective customer goes to your landing page, they’re doing exactly what you want them to do. It’s a sign that the building blocks of your content strategy were well-developed and that everything is going according to plan.
Email Conversions
Now that people are hitting your landing pages and moving deeper into the sales funnel, you’re starting to cultivate a population of leads that are on the verge of becoming buyers. To reach this segment, you’ll have to use a tactic that’s more invasive. And unlike the maneuvers we’ve discussed thus far, this one involves reaching directly out to consumers.
Statistically speaking, email marketing is the most effective form of B2B lead generation. When coupled with marketing staples like buyer personas and personalized content, email campaigns give you a true one-on-one with your potential customer. You’ll be able to communicate with the customer on their level, speaking directly to the pain points of that individual.
Because you’ll also be able to tailor your message to the recipient’s place on their path to purchase, you have the ability to strategically address a given consumer’s barriers to purchase.
With email marketing being such an important lead generation tool, it goes without saying that you’ll want to maximize your effectiveness with this channel.
To measure the effectiveness of your B2B email marketing, you’ll want to track metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribes. When you land on an email that performs exceptionally well, try to recreate that success by mirroring some of the same elements in a future email. For instance, you might model your subject line after an email that had high open rates or use a similar offer from an email with higher conversion rates.
Content Marketing ROI
The numbers we’ve discussed thus far are important, but they pale in comparison to the king of content marketing KPIs — return on investment.
We all want good social media traffic, and we all want our landing pages to be clicked on. But if you’re spending millions of dollars to get those clicks, is it really reflective of an effective B2B marketing strategy?
Odds are good that your B2B company is missing the mark somewhere if you aren’t earning attractive content marketing ROI.
Tying the results of your marketing to the expense behind those tactics is challenging for even the most successful businesses. But it’s an endeavor well worth undertaking.
Why? Because it’s only through analyzing your content marketing ROI that you can tell what’s really working in a way that benefits your bottom line. If you don’t know how to measure your ROI, you won’t be able to accurately measure your content marketing success.
The rewards of analyzing your ROI will show you what’s really working in terms of your bottom line. For instance, you may find that qualified leads that initiated through an influencer have a higher conversion rate than any of your other marketing methods. However, you may find that there are other avenues that have a slightly lower conversion rate, but cost a lot less, especially if you’re paying a disproportionately large amount of your money to the said influencer.
The ultimate goal of every form of marketing is to increase your company’s overall profitability. That’s why ROI is so important. The impact of your marketing must be measured alongside the costs incurred to achieve those results. It’s the only way to identify your efficiencies while eliminating those aspects of your B2B marketing campaign that aren’t working.
Though the B2B customer may have concerns and a path to purchase that are wildly different than the B2C customer, B2B buyers are still human. Write content that appeals to the human side of them while also speaking to their business pain points.
Your B2B buyers will appreciate the effort that you put into creating relevant, useful, and high-quality content that addresses their problems and helps them find an effective solution.
Looking for writers that specialize in B2B copywriting? Look no further than WriterAccess. Find a writer in your industry today.
Special thanks to the WriterAccess freelancers who contributed to this post: Kathy R., Leigh M., Alethea M., and Bryan B.
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Sarah Jane Burt is Sr. Content Strategist at WriterAccess. For the past decade, she’s helped brands big and small, from tech giant IBM to the local plumber, tell their stories and create strategies for customer-driven content. When she’s not working on developing and implementing our content strategy, she’s writing blog posts that help demystify content marketing and strategy for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and enterprise content teams.