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Online marketing is an ever evolving necessary beast, and just when you think you have figured out a particular aspect of it something new pops up that changes everything. If you are feeling overwhelmed by all that online marketing entails, then perhaps it is time to get back to the basics and make sure that you are hitting the essentials efficiently.
The Three Basics of Content Marketing
Content planning, content creation and content distribution are the three most basic aspects of your online, content marketing endeavors. Unfortunately many new, and even seasoned business owners focus a great deal of time on the first two and leave out the distribution element. This is the same as a newspaper running a great press, with great stories and then failing to purchase any delivery trucks. Your content distribution is the truck that gets your great content to your audience. In 2016, it will be more important than ever to make sure your distribution strategies are sharp and efficient. Here is a run down of distribution strategies available for online marketing.
Owned Media
Owned media encompasses all of the media platforms which you own. These include your website, blog, email lists, social media sites and followers. These are platforms which you have created yourself and maintain yourself. Out of these types of owned media, your email list is probably your most valuable asset because it is not subject to any rankings or algorithms which affect websites, blogs and social media pages. Your owned media and especially your email list should always be your first priority when it comes to content distribution. Your best material should be distributed here first.
Earned Media
Distribution through earned media includes any sharing that takes place as result of others. This includes social media fans or other influencers in your niche. The best way to make good use of earned media is to reach out to influencers and request, encourage, beg them to share your stuff. You will increase your chances of getting their attention by creating content that is very relevant to their audience as well. It is a good idea to continue these relationships ongoing rather than to look at them as one individual contact. Guest blogging is a great way to increase your reach, and in fact, hiring content developers to create freelance legal writing jobs, or other relevant freelance writing jobs is a great way to get guest posts produced without investing a lot of your own time into the project.
Paid Media
Paid media are distribution methods which you pay for out of your marketing budget. If you have a beefy marketing budget then there are a lot of options available here, however, even small to medium businesses can tap into paid media through new options being offered by Facebook and other social media outlets. These options will include paid promotions through the social media site which can greatly increase your reach.
Sarah R is a full-time freelance writer, a full-time single mother and a full-time homeschooler.