Amanda specializes in writing informative or instructional articles and website content, but she can also write SEO copy, conversational pieces, press releases, brochures and white papers.
Amanda is the mother of two children. Much of her life revolves around her son and daughter, but she also enjoys singing, shopping, spending time with family and friends and reading.
To obtain this degree, Amanda studied mathematics and statistics topics in detail. Her courses included advanced statistics, differential equations, finance, economics, advanced calculus, and linear algebra. She graduated summa cum laude with a 4.0 GPA.
To obtain this degree, Amanda studied a variety of education topics, as well as all types of mathematics. She also completed student teaching hours. Amanda's education courses taught her how to explain the details advanced topics to other individuals in a way that is easy to understand.
Throughout her career, Amanda has written a large number of articles, website content and blog pieces focusing on legal issues. She has written content covering unemployment law, debt and credit laws, real estate law and tax law. She has also developed website content for multiple law firms. While some of her articles are published under her name, others were purchased by private clients. Amanda studied legal issues in several college courses, and she built on this base of information through independent study and research. Amanda is very passionate about law and loves to learn new things. She thoroughly enjoys writing all types of content related to this subject area.
Finance content is Amanda's specialty. She has written hundreds of articles for pay during her writing career. These works covered all issues related to finance including debt, credit, budgeting, bankruptcy, banking, and investments. Many of Amanda's articles are published under her own name on sites such as the Motley Fool and the Houston Chronicle, while others were purchased and published by private clients. She has also written website content and blog pieces. Amanda gained most of her knowledge about finance while studying to obtain her mathematics and statistics degree. However, she has also spent a great deal of time doing research to learn more about the subject, and she continues to stay up-to-date on all of the latest developments within the finance industry today.
During her time as a professional writer, Amanda has written well over 600 business articles. Her works have covered a range of topics, including social media strategies, fulfillment, human resources, start-up business plans, accounting tactics, marketing and more. Amanda is capable of tailoring her articles to any audience, whether the intended reader is a seasoned business professional or a recent college graduate.
Amanda has written hundreds of articles about car insurance, life insurance, health insurance, commercial insurance, workers compensation and mortgage insurance during her writing career. Her works have covered insurance costs, requirements for obtaining insurance, tax deductions for insurance, the benefits and limitations of purchasing insurance policies and much more. She has also written blog posts and website content related to this subject area. Amanda studied some aspects of insurance during college. The remainder of Amanda's knowledge of the insurance industry comes from the significant amount of time she has spent doing research, as well as her own personal experience.
Amanda understands all of the nuances of the U.S. tax system, and she loves writing tax-related articles. She has written approximately 300 tax pieces over the past several years. Her most frequent topics include tax deductions, tax laws for employers and income tax regulations. Amanda has also written about the penalties imposed on taxpayers who fail to make their payments on time or complete their returns accurately. Amanda learned some tax law during college, but much of her knowledge has come from her passion for research.
Amanda has written a significant amount of content focused on the real estate industry. She has written SEO copy for real estate brokers in different areas of the country, and she has written website content for companies specializing in the sale of real estate. She has also written articles discussing real estate loans, escrow accounts and foreclosure. Some of Amanda's work is published in her own name, while the remainder was purchased by private clients through WriterAccess. Amanda learned about real estate while studying to become a licensed real estate agent. She has also done extensive research on the subject to learn more.
Amanda has written multiple articles covering every aspect of education, from student loans to the different degrees available. She has also written articles that discuss the courses an individual must complete to qualify for certain careers, as well as comparison articles discussing the differences between two educational programs. Amanda studied this subject area extensively while pursuing her degree in Integrated Mathematics Education. Although Amanda's degree is specific to mathematics, the topics she studied while earning the degree covered general education topics as well, including education laws. In addition, Amanda has supplemented her formal instruction in this field with independent research.
Amanda has written more than 100 articles on marketing topics. She specializes in social media marketing and has a deep understanding of strategies businesses can use to develop a solid online presence. Amanda has also written about the differences between inbound and outbound marketing, the efficacy of various traditional marketing techniques, the importance of creating a user-friendly, engaging website and much more.
During her five years as a freelance writer, Amanda has completed more than 50 home living projects. She has experience writing about decorating, choosing heat and air conditioning units, cooking, saving money on utilities, DIY projects and much more. Amanda's projects have ranged from technical how-to's to casual blog pieces.
Amanda has completed many projects for clients in the high tech field. One of her most frequent topics is cloud computing, but she is comfortable writing about virtually any technology-related subject. Amanda studied technology during college, and she prides herself in her ability to keep up with new developments in the field through independent research and hands-on experience
Amanda is an avid user of technology, and she enjoys researching and writing about new developments in this field. She has written informational articles, blog posts and web content covering a range of technology-related topics. Some of her past works have focused on cloud computing, new technologies in medicine and the importance of technology for jobseekers.
Amanda has written a number of articles covering the requirements for individuals working in specific fields or industries. Many of these articles were focused on one specific aspect of the career, such as its associated salary, while others covered the required education, benefits of the career or paths to advancement. Amanda has also written articles comparing different careers, and she has written copy for websites promoting certain professions. Finally, Amanda has written several articles about career outlook and re-careering. Most of Amanda's knowledge of careers comes from her college experience, as well as the time she has spent doing in-depth research on different career paths.
Whether the piece focuses on sticking to a vacation budget or finding the most luxurious amenities available, Amanda loves to write about travel. In the past, she has written both blogs and informational articles about popular destinations, finding the best hotels, packing tips, saving money on vacation and much more.
Amanda has written approximately 35 articles in this subject area during her career, most of which are published on eHow Money. Others were sold to private clients on WriterAccess. Amanda's banking articles have focused on choosing the right banking institution, legal issues with joint checking and savings accounts and banking laws in different states. Amanda has also written extensively about garnishment law and how it applies to an individual's checking account. Amanda learned a lot about banking while studying finance and business in college. She also enjoys researching and learning more about all finance topics, including banking.
As a mother and former educator, Amanda enjoys writing about children and families. She has a degree in mathematics education, and she studied childhood development extensively during college. As a writer, she has completed more than 25 projects on various kids/family topics. Her past works have focused on traveling with kids, entertaining children during the summer, balancing work and home life, preparing children for life-changing events and much more.
Amanda has completed many projects covering nonprofit laws and the tax benefits available to nonprofit organizations. She has also written articles detailing the procedure for forming a nonprofit organization, as well as the regulations organizations must follow to maintain their nonprofit status. Many of these articles are published on the Houston Chronicle's website and eHow Money. Amanda's knowledge of nonprofit organizations comes from her study in college, the time she has spent working with various nonprofits and her extensive independent study on the subject. Amanda loves to research all areas of business, finance, and law, so she is always building more knowledge on the subject of nonprofit organizations.
Amanda has written approximately 15 beauty-related articles to date, but she is excited to write more in the future. She has written product descriptions for different beauty products, and she has written articles describing the benefits of certain types of skincare products. She has also developed website content for retail websites selling beauty products. Most of Amanda's beauty articles were sold to private clients on WriterAccess, but she has published a few in her own name. The majority of Amanda's knowledge about the beauty industry comes from research and her own personal experience.
Amanda has written blog content for numerous private clients on WriterAccess, as well as through other channels. Her subject matter in the past has focused on staffing issues, finance, law, insurance topics, education, parenting and real estate, but she is capable of writing blog content for any purpose. Amanda can write blog posts in a conversational style or in a formal tone based on the preferences of the client. The requested styles of her past blogs have been instructional, persuasive, casual or informative. Her work has been well received by clients, and she looks forward to writing blog content more frequently in the future.
Amanda has written webpage content for several private clients, as well as for her own personal websites. For some clients, she wrote only one or two pages of content. However, she has also written all of the content for an entire website from scratch. Amanda's web projects have focused on a variety of subjects, including finance, law, real estate, beauty, and education. Amanda's knowledge about writing web content comes from independent study and experience. She has developed complete websites for her own purposes, and she has also researched search engine optimization techniques extensively.
Of all the asset types she can write, Amanda is most experienced in developing articles. She has written hundreds of articles on a variety of topics, but her most frequent topics include finance, business, law, education, real estate and taxes. She has also written articles focusing on travel, family life, fashion and health. Many of Amanda's articles are published on eHow Money, the Motley Fool, and the Houston Chronicle, while others were purchased by private clients. Amanda learned most of her article writing skills while working toward her mathematics education degree in college. She has honed her skills through research, independent study and experience.