Articles, Blogs, Product Descriptions, Social Media Content, Email Marketing Copy, E-books.
Nutrition, Fitness, Consumer Electronics, Appliances, Academic, Literary, Beauty, Clothing, Outdoor Gear
Honors College, Speech and Debate Team, Editor-in-Chief of Literary Magazine, editorial internships at 3 publications during college duration.
Wrote dynamic, humorous questions for a personal question game called Hyve.
Wrote published articles for The Hollywood Reporter trade magazine and celebrity bios and game copy for Hollywood Poker. Covered the 2013 World Series of Poker with interviews, blogs, social media, and video content.
- Created social media posts for Facebook and Twitter for 30K followers and got 19K reach and 1K likes + shares, the highest post in the company's history. Ask me for analytics/screenshots.
- Copy-edited all content for Endurance News magazine, a nutrition guidebook sent to customers 4 times a year.
- Wrote nutrition articles , athlete profiles, marketing video scripts, catalog copy, email marketing copy.
-Developed diagnostic quizzes that drive viewers from Facebook to webpage. For example, "How Deficient in Magnesium Are You?", "Which Hammer product are you?" and "Which type of electrolyte do you need?"
Wrote product descriptions of consumer electronics, appliances, clothing, outdoor equipment/gear for Vanns.
Wrote published articles for The Great Falls Tribune, Hollywood Reporter, Publishers Weekly, Montanan, Reductress, Wit Lit. and Memoir (And) Literary Journal.
Wrote marketing scripts for video content/social media for nutrition brand, gaming app, and e-commerce brands