Amin E
Writer #1792
Joined 10/13/2010
4 Star Rating
100% Success
5,293 Projects
79 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Amin E. provides copywriting and editing services for clients. Amin's expertise ranges from technology to professional industries and anything inbetween. Amin writes in a variety of formats based on the needs of the client and project, including case studies, product guides, reports, SEO articles, press releases and white papers. Writing projects are kept on track through strong project management and all writing is done in a clear, concise manner.
High Tech


Amin writes SEO articles regarding virtually any topic in a clear, easy-to-read format. Keywords will be utilized in a pertinent manner that is informative and still engaging to the reader. Client can provide keywords or Amin can provide the keyword research based on the topic.


Technology, Science, Cooking, Home and Family


LMU (Ludwig Maximillian University)

Amin has extensive education in various areas. Main areas of study include Business Administration with a focus on International Relations as well as law. Completed Business Administration with a Masters degree and bachelor degree in law


2,120 Projects Completed

Clients include insurance companies, agents and brokers. Amin has written about topics ranging from auto, home, life and various other types of insurance as well as competitive and comprehensive reviews of the many insurance companies. Amin has also written dozens of articles about the Affordable Care Act and how it will affect insurance.


1,824 Projects Completed

Amin has written various blogs and SEO articles on the auto industry and related topics. This ranges from specific models of cars to used cars, car insurance, auto repair and more. Clients include car dealerships, car blogs and many others looking for content for their website and for SEO purposes.

High Tech

555 Projects Completed

High Tech is all encompassing and often requires a thorough understanding of the underlying trends and dynamics. Amin has created hundreds of articles on almost as many topics. From reviews of various computer components to cloud computing and networking, Amin can cover almost any various topics with personal experience and expertise.


284 Projects Completed

Kids & family is a broad topic, however it covers family issues, children’s activities, how-to guides on dealing with problems in the family and other topics. Clients include daycares, family blogs and family counselors to name a few. As a single father of two small children, Amin has firsthand knowledge about many kids and family related topics.


239 Projects Completed

Amin has written extensively about career related topics, including guides how to prepare the resume, conducting an interview, continuing education, school selection and much more. Amin has written many articles for hiring websites, blogs about various careers and other topics. Additionally Amin has experience writing resumes and job ads.


185 Projects Completed

Food has been a hot topic for Amin because restaurants want reviews and menu descriptions and blogs are looking for details on the different types of restaurants available as well as current trends in the food industry. Amin has extensive experience writing about food and restaurants from both a consumers point of view or the business side.


86 Projects Completed

Amin has written for garden blogs, SEO articles for nurseries and much more. Topics have ranged from how-to style articles as well as tips for gardening and more. Writer conducts extensive research on gardening topics to provide informative pieces. As an avid gardener with lots of experience in growing organic food in the backyard, each article will show a clear voice.


This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.

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